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    Hiring Moderators and GFX


    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2009-09-19
    Age : 27
    Location : Cleveland, OH

    Hiring Moderators and GFX Empty Hiring Moderators and GFX

    Post  Aziti Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:41 pm

    *I'm currently hiring moderators and people pro at graphic editing.

    How to become a moderator

    (1.) PM me to become a moderator. Please do not post here, this is just to ask questions.
    (2.) You may become a moderator, but you must show respect to others and judiciously lock or give warnings to other users according to the rules.
    (3.) If you do not show respect to others and not judiciously lock or give warnings to other users, you will off the Moderators list.

    How to join the GFX Team

    (1.) Go to the GFX>GFX General>Announcement: Hiring GFX!
    (2.) Write down your form.
    (3.) You will be given a series of instructions.

    If you would like to join any of them, do so, and follow these instructions.


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