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    Hiring GFX!


    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2009-09-19
    Age : 27
    Location : Cleveland, OH

    Hiring GFX! Empty Hiring GFX!

    Post  Aziti Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:39 pm

    We are currently Hiring GFX. If you wished to be in the GFX Team, please comment below and you will be given a number of instructions.
    I will be judging your work. It must be over 7.5/10 score in order to be in the GFX. I will give your score once and a descriptition of your skills.
    Here is the Form:

    Spore Name:
    Reasons why you want to be in GFX:
    Photo editor used:
    Some of your work:


    Last edited by Aziti on Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
    sF GFX Team
    sF GFX Team

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2009-09-25

    Hiring GFX! Empty Re: Hiring GFX!

    Post  DrNGin Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:28 pm

    Spore Name: on spore.com it's N-Gin_Creator. on the forums it's DrNGC.
    Reason why i want to be in GFX: doing graphics for myself only is getting boring, and i need some practice.
    Image editor: GIMP, got a problem with that?
    My work: all my work is here: http://n-gin-creator.deviantart.com/

    Last edited by DrNGin on Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:29 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2009-09-19
    Age : 27
    Location : Cleveland, OH

    Hiring GFX! Empty Re: Hiring GFX!

    Post  Aziti Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:45 pm

    DrNGin wrote:Spore Name: on spore.com it's N-Gin_Creator. on the forums it's DrNGC.
    Reason why i want to be in GFX: doing graphics for myself only is getting boring, and i need some practice.
    Image editor: GIMP, got a problem with that?
    My work: all my work is here: http://n-gin-creator.deviantart.com/

    Thanks. Let me go over it and decide if your in. Smile

    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2009-09-19
    Age : 27
    Location : Cleveland, OH

    Hiring GFX! Empty Re: Hiring GFX!

    Post  Aziti Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:42 pm

    SporeFort GFX

    I have seen your pictures and lets see how well you have done!


    The coloring is my favorite part about your pictures. You did it very well, I liked most of them, except one of them, i'm not pleased about that one. Second Hand, Blending is not that bad, I really liked that background shine you did to some of your signatures, but that wasn't my favorite part about you because, you blend very well, but you only barely blended some of your signatures. I like your style, your signatures mostly have motion on them. But I'm not very pleased about your lighting, work a little more on the lighting, brighten some parts of your signature, darken some parts of your signatures. The text looks great, except Samus. Try to make the text in Samus look like it's actually printed there. Simply, the rest are beautiful, except the Lighting. Work on your Lighting. But lets see your score.

    Favorite Graphic: Alex

    Coloring 9.5/10
    Blending 8/10
    Depth 8.5/10
    Style 9/10
    Lighting 5/10
    Text 8.5/10

    Overall Score 8.1

    Congratulations! You are now selected to be in the GFX Team! You have now high privlages in the GFX Section. See you foward in GFX!


    sF GFX Team
    sF GFX Team

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2009-09-25

    Hiring GFX! Empty Re: Hiring GFX!

    Post  DrNGin Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:09 am

    Aziti wrote:SporeFort GFX

    I have seen your pictures and lets see how well you have done!


    The coloring is my favorite part about your pictures. You did it very well, I liked most of them, except one of them, i'm not pleased about that one. Second Hand, Blending is not that bad, I really liked that background shine you did to some of your signatures, but that wasn't my favorite part about you because, you blend very well, but you only barely blended some of your signatures. I like your style, your signatures mostly have motion on them. But I'm not very pleased about your lighting, work a little more on the lighting, brighten some parts of your signature, darken some parts of your signatures. The text looks great, except Samus. Try to make the text in Samus look like it's actually printed there. Simply, the rest are beautiful, except the Lighting. Work on your Lighting. But lets see your score.

    Favorite Graphic: Alex

    Coloring 9.5/10
    Blending 8/10
    Depth 8.5/10
    Style 9/10
    Lighting 5/10
    Text 8.5/10

    Overall Score 8.1

    Congratulations! You are now selected to be in the GFX Team! You have now high privlages in the GFX Section. See you foward in GFX!



    oh, thank you! i'd like to thank my program, the Euro Club... wait, now speeches? ok then...

    quite a few people like the Alex sig, but every sig i have made (after the alex sig) with that same technique has come out as pure crap. =/

    better start going back to fractal backgrounds...

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