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    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0!


    Posts : 21
    Join date : 2009-09-19
    Age : 27
    Location : Cleveland, OH

    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! Empty Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0!

    Post  Aziti Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:03 am

    I am introducing you people to SporeFort Ranking System.

    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! 207alg2
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! 2ij4sih
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! Oks5td
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! 2ljj8mb
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! 14ty2wg
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! Fx5b9h
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! 1zzlvlk
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! 33bz6zs
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! 11tlpio
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! 20gxx1z
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! 2dj7vx4
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! Mcqcns
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! Hrznu1
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! Eq6s2b
    Introducing SporeFort Ranking System 1.0! Id9hs2

    Newbie 0-5 posts
    Organism 5-50 posts
    Tribe Member 50-100 posts
    Cheif 100-500 posts
    City Leader 500-1000 posts
    Space Captain 1000-2000 posts
    Admiral 2000-4000 posts
    Fleet Commander 4000-7000 posts
    Emperor 7000-10000 posts
    Galactic God 10000-15000 posts
    Omnipotent 15000-infitive

    There you go!

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 22, 2024 9:47 pm